County Director
Cooperative Extension Lassen County707 Nevada Street
Susanville, CA 96130
(530) 251-8133

M.S. Range & Wildlands Science, UC Davis. 1991
B.S. Range & Wildlands Sceince, UC Davis. 1989
Livestock / Natural ResourcesAreas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
- Range
- Watersheds and River Basins
- Watersheds
- Watersheds and River Basins - Other
- Finfish - Marine
- Animals and Their Systems
- Animal Management Systems
- Natural Resources and Environment
- Watershed Protection and Management
- Management of Range Resources
- Aquatic and Terrestrial Wildlife
Peer Reviewed
- Little, J; Lile, D, et al. (2022). Rapid User Guide: Post-Fire Grazing on California's Intermountain Rangelands. UC ANR (8000). In Press.
- Derose, K. L. (2020). Microbial Water Quality Conditions Associated with Livestock Grazing, Recreation, and Rural Residences in Mixed-Use Landscapes. Sustainability. 12, 5207.
- Derose, K. L. (2020). Riparian health improves with managerial effort to implement livestock distribution practices. The Rangeland Journal.
Non-Peer Reviewed
- Bjork, C; Little, J, et al. (2022). Big Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Plan: Annual Report for Water Year 2021. https//
- Macon, D; Lile, D, et al. (2022). Bonding LGD's with Cattle Lessons Learned. CCA Convention, Reno, NV.
- Bjork, C; Little, J, et al. (2022). Chapter 9: Projects and Management Options. Big Valley Groundwater Sustainability Plan. https// January 27.
- Lile, David (2022). Geographic Scope, Type, and Intensity of Grasshopper Infestations in Lassen County 2021 and 2022. UCCE Lassen County. September 15.
- Staff, UCCE Plumas/Sierra (2022). UCCE Plumas Sierra Annual Program Update.D. Lile. UCCE Plumas/Sierra. March 15.
- Lile, David; Snell, Laura, et al. (2022). Upper Pit River Irrigated Forage Crop Management Survey. UCCE Lassen County. August 1.
- Macon, D; Lile, D, et al. (2021). Bonding LGD's to Cattle: A Demonstration. CCA Convention, Reno, NV.
- Eiler, B; Lile, D, et al. (2021). Conservation Strategy for Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in the Buffalo-Skedaddle Conservation Management Unit. Eagle Lake Field Office, Bureau of Land Management. November 15.
- Snell, L; Lile, D (2021). Encroachment and Management of Western Juniper. Proceedings of the California Weed Science Society. 27, 73.
- Lile, D; Macon, D, et al. (2021). Northern California Wolf Update: Fact Sheet. UC ANR. December 1.
- Snell, L; Lile, D (2021). Western Juniper Control in Northeastern California. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. Online.
- Lile, D.F. (2020). A mule deer initiative for California. What would it look like? Lassen County, UC Cooperative Extension. March.
- Lile, D.F. (2020). Post-fire range seedings to improve for livestock and wildlife and reduce annual grass. Factsheet. Lassen County, UC Cooperative Extension. September.
- Lile, David; Schohr, Tracy, et al. (2020). UC Cooperative Extension Plumas-Sierra Counties 2019 Annual Report. Plumas County, UC Cooperative Extension. April.
ANR Workgroup Associations
- Rangeland Technology, Innovation, and Practice - Chair
- Beef Safety and Quality Assurance - Member
- Environmental Flows - Member
- Livestock Production Systems - Member
- Wildlife - Member