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Because the 4-H Youth Development Program is a public institution supported by tax dollars, the raising of funds for use by 4-H project groups, clubs, councils or other groups using the 4-H name or emblem must be done in accordance with guidelines established by the University of California Cooperative Extension. 

 A group with a purpose’ usually needs funds to carry out its program.  Fundraising should be limited to budgeted needs of the group and the 4-H Program Representative can be consulted to find out what other local clubs are doing and how the County 4-H Council raises money to meet their budget.  4-H fundraising policy forbids gambling, wagering, and raffles of any kind.

 Money making projects are valuable opportunities for members to learn-by-doing.  4-H members need to work together as a team to raise money and they need to learn to earn.  They should be encouraged to raise funds for needed services such as attending camps or conferences rather than asking parents or businesses for funds.

 The club’s treasurer should bank all funds in the club’s name, and there should be the signatures of two or three of the group’s officers or community club leader on any check written against the account.  No checks are to be made out to cash.  In the memo section of the check, write down the purpose of the check.

If a project group wishes to raise funds for special events, it is required that they keep these funds in the 4-H Club’s treasury.  The club’s treasurer separates accounts for each project group so that each group uses only their money.

Please fill out the form below and submit to the 4H youth Development Office for approval.

Fundraiser notification